Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I'm cold

For some reason the only warm place in our apartment is in our bedroom or up in the loft upstairs. My bedroom is actually too warm, more like a suana. It is lightly snowing outside right now. I was just thinking about the fact that tomorrow I go back to work for the first time in over 2 months. I think I'm ready. The time off was more than great though! I needed it.
I walked the dogs outside yesterday. Not very far though. I noticed that the tulips I planted last spring are coming up through the ground again. I can't believe that the ground is that warm and the weather has been so wonderful that the tulips are starting to grow. I never bought my calla lillies in the pot in. I went over to them and noticed that they are growing also. This is crazy! But it made me smile. Spring isn't too far away. Yeah I know that winter's offical start was only 3 weeks ago, but still, spring is coming soon! I can't wait!

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