Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sarah Palin- I just don't get it!

I don't understand the hype with Sarah Palin. If people really took at look at her, they would be horrified that she is the running mate of McCain. A man who could possibly not make it through 1 term of a Presidency due to his age and health.
Sure she is a great symbol of an American woman. Someone with a career and family. But the truth is is that I think the only people like her or are hyped about her is because she is a woman. If people really think about her experience instead of her being a woman, they would probably find a reason to panic if they are actually elected. I read an editorial in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The author made a great point. Being Govenor of Alaska is like being the Mayor of Columbus. The population of Alaska is 670,000. Population of Columbus 747,700 people. This author also said that being the mayor of Wasilla is like being a mayor to Ravenna, except that Ravenna has 1400 more people. What experience would she have to run a country of 305,986,357 people? Ohio State University has more graduate students than the city she was mayor of! She has only been Govenor for a year and half. I think she needs more experience. Plain and simple. The only reason people are excited is because she is a woman. If a man with her experience was up for a VP nod, I think everyone would rip them apart. They would think it is some sort of joke! I am so nervous at the idea if they were to win, we may be simply screwed! Way worse off than even with Bush! And I think he totally f-ed up this country!
Stop jocking the fact she is a woman and think if she was a man, how would you really feel about her experience?

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